A few weeks ago, I started buying bed linens from the various thrift shops I frequent, thinking I would need a greater volume of fabric than I was able to obtain from my usual sources. If I buy leftover yardage when it’s useful colors and priced at $1/yard, sheets are an equivalent value at $2/twin up to $5/king.
Because one of my standard colorways is “Sunrise,” in pale pinks and yellows, I’ve been buying pink and peach. In the “post consumer” marketplace, sheets in peach and pink outnumber sheets in any other color than white by more than 3:1. (I don’t buy white or cream because at this time, I’m not dyeing fabric.) This morning, I sorted out the piles and found the range of pink above. This is just enough difference to make an interesting stripe of pale peachyness, but not enough variation to make an entire weft-faced rug.
If there’s length left on the current warp when I’m done with Springtime, I’ll try blending the pink and peach with old jeans in a recycled jeans rag rug.