There has to be something useful I can do with feedbags. I have plenty of them; 55 pound bags with perfectly groomed golden retrievers on the front; 20 pound bags with a generic cat. We feed six dogs (currently, 359 pounds, total weight) and three cats. Wallets don’t use enough material to make a difference.
In Evaluating Raw Material, I show how I look at the various inputs that cross my path. I need something that will use up a lot of feedbags. I might cut them for weft and weave them on the loom; they’d probably be squishy underfoot in a fun way. I can’t use woven mats in the doghouse; all of our dogs are chewers and they would go right through the cotton warp.
I will test cutting narrow strips and knitting them. I think the fiber would be hard on my hands, with sharp edges.
I need a very large tote bag to use as a carry-on when I fly with a collapsible hula hoop. For the time being, they get recycled as trash bags. One bag is serving in my experiment about composting political yard signs. You can fit a lot of yard signs in a 55-pound dog food bag.