Pink encompasses a wide range of shades and tones, from deep raspberry to the palest coral. Pink rugs can be created for any room in the house, from nursery to den. Because people don’t look for “peach,” I’ve included rag rugs with peachy content in this category as well. Pink plays well with a lot of other colors, from bright red to the palest pastels, and especially with green. Pink sheets are readily available in the thrift shop market, and have become a major component of the new “cowgirl” series of twill rugs hand woven denim and pink.
Here are some pink rugs that have found homes:
Incidentally, the rug shown in the header on this page was woven from the colors pulled for the Pink and Tan Floating Square shown in the gallery above. In some ways, the colors are more powerful in the woven rug, but they blend better in the knit version.
Any of these can be used as starting points for a rug made to your specifications. However, because the rugs are made from recycled tshirts (among other fabrics), they can never be exactly duplicated.
Pinterest Board
For the longest time (ha! less than a year…), I resisted creating a Pinterest board for Pink, but I finally gave in. There’s too much interesting about pink that doesn’t belong on red or purple or orange.
And the images below are documentation of some of the pink things I notice in the real world.
![My flamingo carving from a few years back, nose (beak) deep in a bowl of peonies. I love this color...](