I saw a spiral rug in Mason Dixon Knitting when I first started knitting rag rugs. I modified the pattern slightly–short rows–to make the arms curve more easily into the spiral shape, and discovered that three arms gave me a way to play with color. Then I flipped the curve and made a triple spiral rug, and a bit later, created the nautilus rug according to the same pattern, assembled differently.
The two squarish spiral rugs are knit according to a different pattern, but if you’re looking for spiral rag rugs, you might like them.
Very fun.
Here are some spiral rugs that have found homes:
Any of these can be used as starting points for a rug made to your specifications. However, because the rugs are made from recycled tshirts (among other fabrics), they can never be exactly duplicated.
Pinterest Spirals Study Board
Spiral Images from Pinterest Study Board
I’m always thinking of new ways to configure spirals for rugs; the spiral shape in popular and easy to construct. Triskeles (triple spirals), from Celtic ornamentation, were the first modification, and then the nautilus shape. Lately I’ve been studying seashells up close, looking for additional shapes to knit.